Google drive movies for kids
Google drive movies for kids

google drive movies for kids

Also that would itself open up avenues for abuse say it was just an innocent picture of my kids butt their are perverts out there that will get off on this. I always try and not get their private parts in the picture but with my hundreds and millions of people potentially with the same numbers it really is not possible for a human to lay eyes on that many pictures. Also I have hundreds of pictures of my kids in the bath. People will find a way to hide what they need any any of these systems only effects the non criminal user.

google drive movies for kids

It is absurd to think people will give up their rights to privacy in their homes to accommodate this kind of idea. To not support any company who tries to implement this kind of technology. Why should we run a scan on ourselves? Why should we be treated as a criminal for doing nothing wrong? The solution is to vote out anyone who thinks this is a good idea. The internet has grown up, and so has the ability to scan masses of data for liabilities - Google's change here is not controversial or unexpected, and realistically if people have a problem with the many problems with US copyright laws they need to pick up their pens, change who they vote for and vote with their wallet.Īs for the implementation I think it's pretty fair - they aren't stopping the user from their 'backups', they're just preventing their hardware and bandwidth being used as a piracy BBS. A win:win scenario for those which couldn't afford the pay-for equivalents, but their ceaseless ability to kill useful services proved that they were never benevolent, nor a charity. Of course this point of view is silly - Google have done very well to make users the product. This change for those folk could feel as some kind of betrayal, like Google is complying to "the man", instead of shielding them from the realities. I think the opposition is by those which long for the simpler, lawless period of the internet - a time where Google seemed to always be on the side of the user, even overlooking the naughty things the users would get up to.

Google drive movies for kids